Man! I feel like I haven't posted in FOR- ever- and that probably because I haven't.
So much has been going on- so I am just going to give a quick re-cap and then we'll be all caught up and we can move forward from there.
1. I GOT A NEW JOB!!! Very very exciting- and it's with a company that is home based. so everyone works from home- how cool is that? So to get some training underway I went to "boot camp" in Park City, UT for 3 days one week. Got pretty spoiled with a nice big room with a fire place. Went and checked out where they hold the Sundance Film Festival- and of course, did some work too. Then I came home and turned right back around and headed out to Orange County, CA for our annual company meeting to stay at the Ritz Carlton Laguna Nigel for 3 days- and WOW- I was pretty spoiled there too! Steak, lobster, wine, live music, sail boat racing- oh- and we did some work too. All in all this has been a fantastic move for me and I am so happy and honored to get to work with this great group!

2. K had his 15 month doctor's appointment (last month) He is just growing growing growing. Still in the 5% for weight and height- coming in at just 20 lbs. But no worries- his noggin is still big and in the 75%- it's all the smarts he keeps in there. He's walking, running, climbing, and good ol' dad taught him how to jump in the bed.... good one dad. He can sing Itsy Bitsy Spider- with hand movements, the ABC's, and he will try and repeat just about anything you say. (going to have to start watching what we say) He eats like a champ- and the strangest thing- the other night he reached into the Pico and wanted to eat it??? that boy!
3. BigBroC is finishing up his last days in Elementary School- 5th grade graduation is just a week away! Then it's off to Middle School *gasp* He's decided to play the Baritone- so I think next year will be a lot of fun for him.
4. BigSisC has finished her 1st "sports" season- she played volleyball, basketball, and then did track. She says she likes basketball best- and can't wait to play next year. Of course next year she will rule the school as a big 8th grader- time is going by too fast!
5. Around the house we have been sprucing up the yards- we have some peppers and tomatoes growing.
-We are almost ready to start our patio.
-We almost have my new office all set up- and we are going to be adding some french doors to the study.
-Diesel chewed up my heart strap for The Watch- why? I don't know- he's such a weird dog! but good news- it still works- yay.
-My mother's day was great. We went to Pecan Street Festival, ate crawfish, and then played some bat-mitton with friends- great great day! Thank you to all who made it so special.
Hmmmm... I think that about sums it up. Hopefully things around here will get back into the normal routine- I'll keep you all posted.