Monday, January 14, 2013

Side by Side- 16 weeks

so side by side at 16 weeks. The one in the polariod is the latest and the other (with my dog's big ol head in the front) is the 1st time around.

What do you think?

I feel like I look thicker (I really don't like that word- but I can think of a better one) but anyhow- the first time around I look different than this time. Don't you think? I didn't 'pop' out the 1st time around until about 24 weeks- don't think I am going to make it that long this time around. Which is OK with me! I am ready to get out of this 'bloated' stage and have an actual bump. Not just a bloat.

How far along? 16 weeks- 4 months- whew- some weeks seem to go by really fast- and some slow- but over all pretty quick
Body Changes? no real updates here- I feel weaker- push-ups are harder- but body wise- nothing really.
Sleep: I am actually sleeping good. I am not even getting up in the middle of the night to pee. Hmmm.... not sure why? Is it the new bed? the body pillow? I have no idea- and I am not complaining. Sleep is good. shhhh... don't jinx me.
Best moment this week: This week- well TODAY my youngest son turned 3! wow. how time flies. We celebrated his b-day with family and friends. We also discussed his big boy room decorations and even bought a few paint samples- so ready to start that project!
Food Cravings: Still no cravings. We have made some good food-  and we ate some yummy sweets- but I know a craving when I see one.... and there haven't been any. booo.
What I miss: this week- Beer. and the non- alcoholic kind just isn't cuttin it.
Symptoms: My tummy is starting to harden up- especially when I hold K- where his little knees hit on my stomach feels weird. It's hard to explain but I have a feeling pretty soon some one is going to start pushing his knees away from the inside.
What I am looking forward to: Starting on the room. and making the 'offical' announcement on FB and sharing the gender reveal with everyone!
Workouts: All good- the past 2 weeks I have fit in 11 workouts- so still going strong.
Milestones: 16 weeks- also took the Materna21 test- just a blood test- but it will confirm the gender! isn't that crazy? Should get those results in this week.


  1. Ditto that yay!!! Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear about your pregnancy progress! Here's to a happy and healthy remainder of your pregnancy. :)
