Well I am officially 4 months along! 16 weeks! They say the baby is the size of a avocado now! When I read that- it just made me want to make some guacamole. yummy!
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 0 from last time-still at about a 5 lb total (maybe some of that was Honeymoon weight?? I can pretend anyhow!)
Body Changes? the "girls'" are out of control! I am having to wear 2 sports bras when we go to the gym. And there seems to be no point in shaving my legs- I swear my hair grows back overnight.
Sleep: SUCKS! I love to sleep on my belly- which I can't do anymore. It feels like I am laying on a little ball (which is kinda cool) So I rotate from left side to back to right side all night long. Good thing my hubby sleeps so soundly- he never even moves.

Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat again. C got to come and hear it for the 1st time. It's just the best sound. I would make it my ringer if I could.
Gender: We find out Aug. 24th- yay!!! I can't wait
Food Cravings: beans- and let me tell ya- I just made the BEST butter beans tonight.
What I miss: every time C opens up a Monster on our way to the gym- my mouth starts watering. yummmm Monster!
Symptoms: still having headaches- but the doctor thinks it's just hormones and should go away soon.
What I am looking forward to: feeling the baby move and finding out if there is a boy or girl in there!
Milestones: We found a house! yaya- the search is finally over. Now we just have to wait till Nov. to move in. That makes me pretty nervous- moving when I am about 9 months- but luckily I have a great family that is supportive and has already offered help.

Diesel and Gracie
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