The view from up here- Gracie wanted to be in the picture too!

Hey- there's my toes!

How far along? 28 weeks- 7 months- holy moly batman!
Body Changes? belly is growing- so are my nails- and my belly button looks really weird- it's still an "inny" but it might not be for long

Sleep: sleeping is actually going pretty good- but I am ready for the time change- I hate getting up when it's still SO dark outside- I always have to double check my alarm clock to make sure it didn't go off at the wrong time
Best moment this week: we had lots of good moments this week- my dad came into town, got to hang out with some good friends last weekend, UT won!, making progress on our registry, nailed down a shower date- it's been good!

Gender: BOY (maybe part monkey- or part break dancer- you just never know)
Food Cravings: still not really much- although Cody blames his sweet tooth on "sympathy cravings" so maybe he is stealing my cravings??
What I miss: my clothes- maternity clothes shopping is just not all that fun....
Symptoms: I have started to feel the sciatica- oh the pain!
What I am looking forward to: I wish I had another sonogram- but I don't- so I am looking forward to moving into our new house- and getting to set up the nursery- that will be fun!
Milestones: I have my glucose test this week- hopefully I will pass with flying colors! Then I think I move from monthly appointments, to appointments every 2 weeks- then down to weekly-
Wisdom/ Words of Advice: Strangers- If you don't have something NICE to say to a pregnant woman- then don't say ANYTHING- and by nice I mean- "You look great!" because if you say I look small- then I worry and if you say I look big- then that's just rude- and NO I am not "about to pop" and YES- it is a baby in there?? Seriously people- think before you speak!
MY friends- we can talk about this stuff- but total strangers- it's just plain weird....
This is us all dressed up at Christi and Scott's wedding Oct. 3rd- Congrats to the newlyweds! I am sure they are living it up in Fiji!

You look beautiful!