How far along? 34 weeks
Body Changes? not really much to report here- poofy hands and feet- especially since we've been up moving, packing, and cleaning on the weekends- that's hard work!
Sleep: still a toss and turn- pee kind of rotation through the night
Best moment this week: well..... I would say moving into our new house- BUT we all know that didn't happen- so I won't dwell on those unfortunate events- but we did get to see the house all done- nice and neat and clean! (probably won't be that way again for quite sometime)
Gender: BOY
Food Cravings: I am making more of the Pumpkin Gooey Butter cake- and I did find a recipe for Chocolate Butter Gooey Cake- sooooo even though I am not really "craving" them- I plan on making them and then eating them too!
What I miss: hmmm.... the usual- sushi, wine, clothes- but it won't be long now!
Symptoms: I am feeling pretty good- a little swelling here and there- CJ is having lots of fun- I have been pretty lucky and have not be over- whelmed with tiredness again. (they say it comes back in the 3rd trimester) (and yes- I am knocking on wood RIGHT now)
What I am looking forward to: well- moving! that will be great- and I finally get to set up CJ's room! I think we are going to go ahead and get our car seat- fun! Then it will probably be time to start packing our hospital bags- and getting ready to meet CJ-
Milestones: I met with a pediatrician today- she was very nice- and I think I will meet with one more before we make our decision.
This past week we also celebrated Lori's birthday by going to see New Moon! Watch out all you Team Edward and Team Jacob fans out there! The movie was alright- still NO comparison to the books- but I have to say- Jacob did look really good. And Ciara agreed! (but remember ladies- he is only 17 years old)
4 hours ago