So- I know- that picture is from a week ago..... forgive me- it's been a little busy at the Brooks household. But check out Kash's new blankie from his GiGi- she must have known how good it would look with our 2 week outfit! now what to wear for the 3 week......
Today (2-4-10) Kash actually turns 3 weeks old! Where does the time go? I go between "Time is going too fast" and "Holycrap it's only been 3 weeks!" (that must be from the lack of sleep- all the days seem to run together- I think I have been awake for about a month straight already- haha!)
For the most part- life with baby has been great- there have been some fussy times- and rest assured- I have been peed, pooped, and spit up on- sometimes- all three in the same day. But when Kash looks at me with those big innocent eyes- I am a sucker!
At our 2 week doctor appointment Kash weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz- so he is a growing boy. We are going back to the doc today- they are thinking he has a bit of the reflux. So maybe some medicine will help him and his little tummy feel a little bit better.
Tuesday (02-02) was Daddy's b-day and Kash and I took him to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory- YUM! Of course, we had to get some cheesecake and Cody picked the Red Velvet Cheesecake- very good choice!
This weekend we are planning on heading up to Sam's Boat! yay! Crawfish are back in season- and it's time for us to get some! I can't wait.
Sorry we missed Cody's bday. Cade was really sick. We went to the ER last night actually. He is doing better now. Did the Dr. give Kash Zantac?