Just a quick walk down memory lane- especially for all of you who are new to the SponLife Blog-
soooo.... 6 months of married life- and 7 months pregnant- you may wonder HOW? does that happen.... well rest assured- I was not pregnant at the wedding- but the way these doctors calculate all this 9 month stuff (which you are really pregnant for 10 months- hellloooo 40 weeks?) anyhow- it's not important- let's recap.
Below you will find just a few of my favorite moments- there are sooo many- but too many to put them all here-
Cody and I met in 2005 floating the river in New Bransfels (actually we met on this same river in 2004- but were "re- acquainted" in 2005)
ahhhh...... young love.....
Cody and I got engaged on Valentines Day (well Feb. 15th, 2008)

We kicked off the wedding planning season with a great Engagement Party at Uncle Billy's.

A few months later- Cody and I headed up to Lubbock (C's home town) to celebrate at a Luau with all of his hometown buddies!
Is that lipstick?

We finished off 2008 with Engagment pictures- can you believe it? Oct 2008 we were taking engagement pictures- Oct 2009 we are awaiting the arrival of CJ! what a year!

At the start of 2009- the planning was in full swing! We got the party started with a Mardi Gras Crawfish Boil shower- TONS of fun!

Then my mom and I took the girls on a Texas Wine Tour-
Amanda! really! keep it clean!
Bachelor/ Bachelorette parties were soon to follow. Us girls headed out to Nashville- I think that town is still talking about us!
yes- that's Bill Belemy!
One of my favs- too funny!
We had Rehearal Dinner-

We would soon learn about the Toast Master MC Justin!
The day begins-
Getting ready-
the boys-
The girls-
Finally down the asile-
Amanda caught the bouquet- can you tell which one she is? haha! But the myth must be true- becuase she was the next one to get engaged!
What a night! Off we went- as newlyweds!
Then honeymoon- Curacao-
Then baby-

And now- our house is almost done- baby will be here before we know it- it's all been somewhat surreal and just a whole whirlwind of fun. I have seriously had a smile across my face for the most part of the past 18 months-

Not to get sentimental or anything- but really- A BIG thank you to all of our friends and family that have stood by us and helped make all of this possible. Just looking back at these pictures makes me smile, makes me laugh- and I am looking forward to spending the next 100 years with my husband, my family, and all of our wonderful friends.