Anyhow- we were a little more laid back on this island. Spent more time relaxing and walking the beach. My favorite outings:
MoomBa Beach- was just a lot of fun. Live music out on the beach and then a DJ came on to keep the party going. Here we discovered that Patron shots were $10- that's about what they cost back home! (I think this was the only thing that we found priced that way) Anyhow- the beer was cold, the music was great, and watching everyone dance out on the beach was so fun that of course we had to join in!
We also treated ourselves to an awesome dinner on the beach. The Flying Fish Bone was great. The tables were right on the water, each table had a shoe hook so everyone was barefoot, we watched the sunset, and then ate by candle light- the food and wine was incredible. Very romantic.
Overall- it was hard for Aruba to live up to Curacao for us. Aruba was much more commercialized and expensive. Where as Curacao was more of an untouched paradise. Our honeymoon was great- spending 2 weeks without work, kids, cell phones, computers, or alarm clocks was the best part. At the same time, we couldn't wait to get back home to the kids, the dogs, and our friends. (probably could've gone without going back to work and all that other stuff- hehe!)
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