This past weekend we went to our friend A & J's Engagement Dinner celebration! It was at the beautiful Oasis out at Lake Travis. It over looks the lake with about 100 decks and is one of the best spots to watch the sun go down.
We had a lot of fun. Good friends, funny stories, lots of laughter, and of course we were celebrating A & J's "kick off" party for all of the wedding events that will follow! I think this celebration really set the tone for how the next year of wedding planning will follow. Lots of laughing, maybe a little bit of tears (happy ones), maybe running behind schedule, some inappropriate (but hilarious) conversations (I hope that no one was recording what our table was talking about...), beautiful scenery, and an ecstatic bride and groom!
A little bit to say about A & J- their happiness is contagious! they are great friends to C and I. Now I may get a little sappy here- but no tears allowed! (well.... I can have some- but I am the hormonal one!) Anyhow- A stood by me as my Maid of Honor and J stood beside C as a groomsman- not only were they there beside us on our wedding day- but throughout our entire year long engagement. What a lucky couple we are to have such wonderful friends. So needless to say- when A & J asked us to stand up with them on their all important day- we were both SO excited to be able to do that!
A has been there with me through it all. I know that she has 4 other sisters (yes! 5 beautiful girls in her family- yikes! Her dad had his hands full- of glitter- ha ha) anyhow- that's a whole other story- I am off track. I claim her as my sister too! We have shared many laughs, tears, we tell it like it is to each other and still love each other dearly. I am so happy that she has found her prince and that her fairy tale can come true. She deserves a lifetime of happiness and I know that A & J will live in love forever.
Oh- and guess what?? At our wedding A fought for... ahem...I mean caught my bouquet!! And guess who elbowed his way to the garter? You guessed it- J! So maybe the old tale is true- or at least it was in this case!
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